I-265 /US 60 Interchange
This project was part of the Phase I and Phase II design and environmental documentation for reconstruction of I-265 from south of the I-64 Interchange to north of the US 60 Interchange in eastern Jefferson County. The project was 2.3 miles in length, involves major structures, flyovers and ramps, and involved the full environmental examination of more than three alternatives at each Interchange, as well as all widening options between designated termini. At the time of design, the ADT on I-265 was 61,000 and 39,000 on US-60.
The analysis of the US 60 signalized corridor required the use the simulation packages CorSim and Synchro. Synchro was used to optimize the signal timing and provide coordination for the signal system, while CorSim was used as the analysis and animation package. As part of the traffic analysis, Palmer engineers studied the interaction of the signals at I-265, English Station West/Urton Road, and English Station East/Lake Forest.
Due to funding constraints, KYTC requested an interim project for short-term congestion relief on US 60. Palmer provided the Phase I and Phase II design of the interim project. The project included looking at reduced lane widths on US 60 so that the existing bridge could be utilized, and US 60 was reconstructed from a rural section to an urban section with curb and gutter. A shared-use path was included in the design to provide intermodal connectivity through the interchange. The shared-use path was placed behind the existing piers by utilizing retaining walls. Traffic simulations were prepared for ramp improvements that could relieve congestion immediately without reconstructing the bridge on I-265.
An auxiliary lane was constructed on both sides of I-265 between I-64 and US 60. At the same time that US 60 was being prepared for a construction letting, another consultant was preparing pavement rehabilitation plans for I-265 in the area. Palmer Engineering and the pavement rehabilitation consultant worked together to combine their plans and include the I-265 rehabilitation and US 60 interchange improvements into one project for letting.
The project has been constructed.