Ashland Urban Planning Study
Palmer Engineering developed conceptual alternatives for a downtown revitalization plan that required changes to the existing road network. The City of Ashland has a goal of improving walkability and safety to enhance business opportunities in the downtown area. Currently, Winchester Avenue is a four-lane undivided highway with numerous signalized intersections and parallel parking. Palmer first prepared an inventory of existing conditions looking at lane and shoulder widths, turn lane locations, traffic volumes, speed limits, and level of service throughout the corridor.
Three alternative schemes were developed that looked at a range of access management and traffic-calming alternatives. Through facilitated public involvement including multiple city and KYTC agencies, the alternatives were refined, and a preferred alternative was selected. Traffic simulations and intersection visualizations were instrumental in gaining local agency buy-in on the concept selected. The preferred alternative was deemed the “Trifecta of Safety” with five mini roundabouts, a road diet to three lanes, and back-in parking.
Final design is now complete for the preferred alternative. The mini-roundabouts will eliminate five signalized intersections, which will improve safety for motorists and pedestrians while also removing much of the clutter of traffic signal poles and wires that interrupt the downtown viewshed. An extensive streetscaping element was added to the design to improve the downtown aesthetics. Demonstration funding from the KYTC Highway Safety Improvement Program is being combined with KYOVA MPO funding and City of Ashland funds to construct the $7.1 million project.