Kennedy Interchange – Ohio River Bridges

The $2.6 billion Ohio River Bridges project is considered one of the nation’s largest transportation projects. As a member of Kentucky Transportation Associates (KTA), Palmer Engineering was involved in Design Section 1 that included a relocated Kennedy Interchange in downtown Louisville that links I-64, I-65, and I-71. The southerly relocation of the Kennedy Interchange will provide improved and safer geometric traffic flow, as well as improving access to downtown Louisville and Waterfront Park. The project involves design of major structures, flyovers, interstate-to-interstate ramps, and local access ramps.

Palmer responsibilities included the following services: providing field survey services – establishing control using GPS methods; performing planimetric surveys (pavement tie-downs, 3D bridge surveys, overhead and underground utility locations – including all sanitary and storm drainage, property tie-downs, and building locations); designing horizontal and vertical alignments, including intersection alternate studies; developing pavement design and typical cross sections for mainline interstates, ramps, and local roads; designing major structures (bridges, retaining walls); developing a maintenance of traffic plan; determining location of existing and proposed right-of-way; locating and establishing specification of drainage facilities, including associated drainage calculations; and developing plans and specifications.

Palmer worked closely with state and local agencies, as well as with local communities and other groups to insure complete public involvement in the design process of this project. Aspects of public involvement included input on the project’s impact in a historical and aesthetic context, as well as developing concepts for critical structural elements (bridges and walls).

Palmer Engineering was a member of the Walsh design-build team that was selected in December 2012 to design and build the Downtown Crossing portion of the LSIORB project. The $1 billion Downtown Crossing project was completed on December 30, 2016.